domingo, 6 de mayo de 2012


Metropolis is a 1927 science fiction film that involves elements such as technological machines, robots, complex  industrial mechanisms and structures, which are very creative for the time the film was made.

The movie´s plot is very well organized. It is a blend that perfectly portrays Freder´s fascination for Maria, the worker life´s instability, the central system that "powers" the city of Metropolis thanks to technology, and the way in which everything in the city is intrincately related with a technological component.

Overall, the movie is pretty impressing, depicting very good special effects for its time. Besides, the plot is interesting, coherent and well developed. 

Therefore, Metropolis can easily stand as a science fiction movie classic that captures the viewer´s interest and opens a whole "new world" for the involvement of special effects in movies and the usage of technology as an important factor that enhances the development of the movie´s plot.

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